First Visit

Brief Paperwork

As a new patient, we have some brief paperwork for you to complete. This paperwork provides us with general information about yourself and your overall health. In an effort to be more prepared and make your time with Dr. Sembrat the most efficient and effective, our Confidential New Patient Information and Consent to Treat forms can be downloaded below. Please feel free to complete the forms before your appointment and bring them with you upon check-in.
  1. Confidential Patient Information
  2. Consent to Treat
Your initial visit will take approximately 45 minutes and will include the following program:
  • Consultation and History
  • Computerized State-of-the-Art Nervous System Stress Test
  • Chiropractic Examination
  • Home Treatment Instructions
  • Scheduling a "Report of Findings"

Consultation and History

Upon receiving your completed paperwork, you will have a consultation with Dr. Sembrat to discuss your health-related problems and concerns. In order to determine what your actual problem is, the doctor will ask you various questions related to your specific condition. At this time, Dr. Sembrat will work to further understand your condition and he'll want to know what your past experiences have been relating to chiropractic.


Next, a number of specialized tests will be performed to determine which tissues have been affected and the extent of the injury. Our office uses a state-of-the-art computerized nervous system stress test consisting of SEMG and thermography to measure progress. Following this test, a thorough chiropractic examination will be performed.

X-Ray Studies

Your specific condition may require us to take x-rays to either rule out more serious conditions or assist us in developing the most effective treatment plan for you. Our office is not equiped with an x-ray room so you will be referred out to take x-ray films at which point Dr. Sembrat will further review them with you at the office, should films be clinically necessary for your case.

Home Treatment Instructions

Prior to leaving our office, patients will be given instructions for certain activities regarding procedures to be conducted at home. This may include ice or heat application instructions, avoidance of certain activities or positions, as well as home exercises and/or stretches.

Schedule Your Next Appointment: Report-of-Findings

Once finished with your examination and all appropriate studies, and review of home instructions, patients will schedule the next appointment where a Report-of-Findings (ROF) will be given. Dr. Sembrat will gather the information from your first appointment, perform an analysis, and suggest a further course of care. Before you leave, you will be scheduling an appointment time for your next follow-up visit. Generally speaking, patients are scheduled within 1-2 days and are provided with a complete review-of-findings. During your ROF you will be told whether or not Dr. Sembrat will be able to help you. Treatment options for your condition will also be discussed during this time. This may include spinal adjustments, physical therapies, and/or soft tissue therapies.